Mycotoxins Mediterranean Training Hub
Mycotoxins Mediterranean Training Hub (MyMedHub)
FunShield4Med consortium will work towards the development of a Mycotoxins Mediterranean Training Hub (MyMedHub), having as standard the already existing Cranfield University Mycotoxins Training Hub. MyMedHub will foresight future mycotoxicological related problems originating from Climate Change, and will serve stakeholders in the Mediterranean region while also offering educational and training activities for Early Stage Researchers and Early Career Scientists.
In this context, the mycology & computational toxicology center MyMedHub will aim at compiling computational tools to support integrative approaches to toxicological research and chemical safety assessments via predictive modelling and analyses of complex and multifaceted data sets. Researchers from UdL, CU, UNIPR, NKUA and ELGO-ITAP will develop problem-based learning activities, including among others a multi-criteria decision analysis to balance microbial risks and environmental impacts, and specific management tools for combating emerging mycotoxin issues on a number of different Mediterranean products.