D1.1: Data Management Plan (ELGO-ITAP, M6)
A formal Data Management Plan (DMP) is being drawn up to be updated at M6, M17 and M36 and maintained throughout project’s implementation and beyond. The DMP outlines the type of data generated during research (metadata, standards, and quality assurance measures; plans for sharing data; copyright and intellectual property rights of data; data storage and back-up measures; data management roles) and partners’ responsibilities. In addition, any technical risks will be identified, and planned mitigation measures will be in place to deal with such issues.
D1.2: Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan (ELGO-ITAP, M6)
Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan is a report on the measures undertaken during and after the project’s implementation to maximize its overall impact to the society. Communication informs about the project’s activity and significance, making its results visible to the society, Dissemination describes and makes generated results available for use to interested scientific and wider social groups, while Exploitation refers to activities enabling concrete use of project’s results.
D1.3: Mid-Term Progress Report (ELGO-ITAP, M17)
The present report refers to the preparatory document produced to be the basis for the interim review meeting with EC.
D2.1: Seminars organized at ELGO-ITAP and training and workshops performed at UNIPR and NKUA (UNIPR, M36)
The present deliverable includes a report on seminars organized at ELGO-ITAP premises by experts of UNIPR (Seminar 1) and NKUA (Seminar 3), and on the workshops organized at UNIPR (Workshop 1) and at NKUA (Workshop 2). It will include the results as well on training of ELGO-ITAP personnel performed at UNIPR through Short Term Staff Exchanges.
D2.2: Report on validation results of EU official mycotoxins determination methods and on food surveys (UNIPR, M36)
A Report on validation results of the EU official mycotoxins determination methods employed to ELGO-ITAP and on food surveys performed in the context of small joint research project.
D3.1: Decision Support System (DSS) based on algorithms (CU, M36)
A Demonstration of a Decision Support System based on algorithms will be provided by CU and NKUA to support the relevant Quantitative Mycotoxin Exposure Assessments.
D3.2: Seminars organized at the ELGO-ITAP, training performed at CU and UdL, and workshops at CU and ELGO-ITAP (UdL, M24)
The present deliverable will include a report on the seminars organized at ELGO-ITAP premises by experts of NKUA (Seminar 2) and of CU, UdL and NKUA (Seminar 4), and on the workshops organized at CU (Workshop 3) and at ELGO-ITAP (Workshop 4). It will include the results as well on training of ELGO-ITAP personnel performed at CU and UdL through Short Term Staff Exchanges.
D4.1: Career development plan of participating young researchers (NKUA, M24).
A Career development plan for participating young researchers, with one intermediate update at M12. The report will include the mobility outcomes of young scientists through Short Term Staff Exchanges and the relevant training material from Short Term Experts Visits.
D4.2: International conference for young scientists (ELGO-ITAP, M30).
The deliverable is dedicated to the organisation of an international conference for young scientists for their enhancement on management experience.
D4.3: Summer Schools for ESRs & ECSs (ELGO-ITAP, M20).
A report on the outcomes of the 2 Summer Schools organised at UNIPR (Summer School 1) and at ELGO-ITAP (Summer School 2) for ESRs & ECSs, with an intermediate update at M8.
D5.1: Seminar organized at the ELGO-ITAP, and training performed at UNIPR (NKUA, M24)
The present deliverable include a report on the Seminar organized at ELGO-ITAP premises by experts of CU and NKUA (Seminar 5) and on training of ELGO-ITAP personnel performed at UNIPR through Short Term Staff Exchanges.
D5.2: Report on final operational evaluation (UNIPR, M36)
A report on final operational evaluation of ELGO-ITAP administration, research, and management staff with respect to their competences in project management.
D6.1: Project leaflet, poster, and website (ELGO-ITAP, M6)
The deliverable includes project’s website with the following sections: home, project summary, ELGO-ITAP and Twinning partners’ profiles, news & events (e.g., forthcoming workshops), training videos, newsletters, links and downloads, and a repository platform dedicated to QMEA models and datasets. Also refers to Project’s leaflet, poster, and a PowerPoint presentation providing overview of the project.
D6.2: Promotion material about ELGO-ITAP & Project newsletters (ELGO-ITAP, M36)
The deliverable, with intermediate updates every six months, includes promotion material about ELGO-ITAP and project’s newsletters.
D6.3: Final report on DEC plan (ELGO-ITAP, M36)
The Final report on DEC Plan include the project’s news distribution through broader scientific news channels e.g., Cordis wire, Alpha Galileo, LinkedIn interest groups, and a maintained project mailing list, publications of conference and research papers on results arising from the staff exchanges and joined research project, promotion actions during relevant European scientific events, and outreach activities through press conferences, regional and national news media (radio, TV and print newspapers).